# NetLists ## Adding a Netlist Nets components are dedicated net labels which can help make a layout readable. All components also have a **netlist** property which is a *comma separated* list of nets which maps to the pin number the component. eg Pin1,Pin2,..PinN **Excercise**: Select the DIP component and confirm it's netlist show A,B,C ![]( VerifyNetlist.gif) ## Showing Hidden Nets The Net Label component is a distinct component which gives a visual clue as to the connections in the layout. When components have Net's defined by the netlist property it's not always obvious that there are hidden connections. Using the **Show Nets** state button shows the hidden links that result from the netlist memberships. **Excercise**: Select 'Show Nets' to show the hidden nets in the circuit ![]( ShowHiddenNetlists.gif) ## Edit netlist property The netlist property is available in all components. It can be edited directly in the **netlist** property where each label of the comma separated list maps to each pin in sequence. **Note:** If a Pin has no named net leave it blank in the list. If Pin 1 maps to A and Pin 3 maps to B then the netlist is *A,,B* **Award**: Edit the netlist of the right LED component setting it to *A,B,C* to match the DIP netlist ![]( EditNetlistProp.gif) ## Exercise : Power Up and verify ![]( powerupNetlistcircuit.gif)