Scratch Pad

2D Drawing pad with X,Y axis and drawing button mode



Breadboard Footprint


Schematic Symbol



Captures and converts X,Y coordinates to Voltages on the X,Y Pins when a drawing tool such as mouse/stylus/touchscreen is drawn with the drawing tool pressed on the Scratch Pad.

In Scribble Mode the axis voltage data is generated while the drawing tool is pressed. In record-replay mode the time scaled axis voltage data is generated after the gesture is finished and the drawing tool is released.


Pin Out

Pin Description
X Voltage representing the X coordinate of the drawing tool
Y Voltage representing the Y coordinate of the drawing tool
* Voltage representing the drawing state.

X Axis

Voltage representing the X coordinate of the drawing tool. As the drawing tool is moved over the pad the value x coordinate is converted to a voltage and output on the X Axis.

Y Axis

Voltage representing the Y coordinate of the drawing tool. As the drawing tool is moved over the pad the value x coordinate is converted to a voltage and output on the Y Axis.

Drawing State

Voltage representing the drawing state. The Drawing State is HIGH while the X,Y axis is generating gesture information.


Property Default Description
Mode scribble Drawing mode changes how the voltages are generated
Period 2 The period in seconds of playback period for record-playback mode


Drawing Mode changes how the voltages are generated

  • Scribble

  • Record-Playback


Scribble Mode generates the voltages immediately as you draw. When the DrawingTool is pressed the X,Y axis is converted to a Voltage on the X,Y pins and the Drawing State pin goes HIGH. When the DrawingTool is released the Drawing State pin goes LOW.


Record-Playback Mode captures the gesture while the Drawing Tool is pressed. When the gesture is complete and the Drawing Tool is released the captured gestures is scaled in time and replayed. During replay the Drawing State Pin goes HIGH then the scaled gesture is replayed on X,Y axis for the time Period and then the Drawing State pin goes LOW.


The Period in seconds of playback period for record-playback mode. This mode is used to normalise the replay time of a gesture to a specific time window.

